& tune in
Re-discover the power of rest & learn how to switch off
your stress responses, so the whole of you can recover and restore
If you’re exhausted, rest.
Feel the fullness of the emptiness, the vastness of the silence, the sheer life in your unproductive moments.
Time does not always need to be filled.
You are enough, simply in your being.
- Jeff Foster
the tools
In a world that perpetually demands productivity, NSDR invites you to a refreshing pause— here, you don't have to do anything but get as comfortable as possible and simply receive a moment of guided deep relaxation.
As the stresses of the day melt away, your energy renews, mental clarity sharpens, sleep improves and the surprising power found in simply being rested uncovers.
When you feel supported enough, the body's innate wisdom responds and its natural capacity to heal is activated.
Through this deeply resful technique you are guided to surrender to the gentle embrace of carefully crafted postures and supportive props, creating a nurturing environment where your body can release accumulated stress and emotions.
“The time to REST is when you don't have time for it.”
— Sydney J. Harris
In these classes you will be guided through a wise combination of restorative movements, pranayama practices, Yoga Nidra and guided relaxations. Your body and mind will find ultimate comfort, supported by pillows, blankets, and soothing music. Navigating through brain frequencies, you will find yourself in a state beyond thought, where serotonin release is stimulated and the nervous system is held to self-regulate and balance.
Instead of "switching off", you will "turn in," redirecting your focus to sensations and feelings, activating the body's relaxation response, reducing stress hormones, while engaging with the subconscious on intentions or simply surrendering to self-healing.
Click on the buttons below and get in touch so I can help you choose what solution is best for you based on your needs.
When we are well rested, our ability to resist default behaviors and thought patterns is much higher.
Our level of tenacity and willpower to engage in things out of our comfort zone increases.
Our sleep improves.
Our cognitive functions and creativity are enhanced.
Our physical and emotional body can heal and recover at a faster pace.
Muscles can soften.
Mind can find clarity.